Innovative concepts in urban transit make our cities more worthwhile to live in. But nowadays, foresight is more important here than ever: the coexistence of people, means of transport, and other machines in crowded spaces demands intelligent and ecologically harmonious solutions – not only in planning and logistics, but likewise during construction phases and during transport operation. RAILONE offers innovative system solutions for all requirements of mass rapid transit. And since each track system should be optimized for its special area of application, RAILONE places special emphasis on close collaboration with our customers and business partners.
Any public transport project is just as individual as the city in which it is implemented. Continuously new requirements challenge engineers and planners: urban architecture, bridges, overpasses and tunnels, impressive squares, train stations, and malls and shopping centres exert critical influence on the selection of systems. How do structures near a rail line react over the long term to rail operating loads, and how should we protect them? In downtown and residential areas, the public increasingly voices greater expectations for aesthetic criteria.
The Green Tracks ATD-G and RHEDA CITY GREEN can create additional green zones in urban areas. In addition, the government awards efforts for reduced noise, storage and delayed drainage of rainwater into the environment, as well as relief of storm sewers: local rates are lower for ground surfaces that are not sealed. Indeed: the careful selection of a track system saves good money in the long run. Responsibility to the environment can also be measured in terms of airborne noise and vibration. Innovative mass-spring systems and noise-absorbing products can produce results far below strict limit values: especially important in densely populated areas. After all, efforts in mass rapid transit are centred on one focal point: people.