Neumarkt and Berlin, 24 September 2002 - "The Systems Provider":
Pfleiderer uses this general designation to summarize its activities in the
sector of track systems. At InnoTrans 2002, this year in Berlin, the track
systems business unit of Pfleiderer presents - in a new look - additional
variations on its ballastless track system. It was some years ago that the
company with this system laid the foundation for a complete family of
track products.
System modules for high performance service
Ballastless tracks are systems whose structure consists of a permanent
supporting layer of asphalt or concrete that replaces a conventional bed
of ballast. Today, ballastless tracks represent the prerequisite for providing
rail lines that can successfully meet the demands typically placed
on them today by high speed, heavy loads, and the topography of the
rail route. Ballastless track combines the functional and safety advantages
offered by absolutely stable track positioning, with the economic
benefits of extensive freedom from maintenance.
About the PCM RAILONE Group
The PCM RAILONE Group has been manufacturing concrete sleepers and track systems for urban transit and long-distance rail transportation for over 60 years. The technology leader also offers its expertise in the fields of engineering and plant construction. Its customer-driven innovations fulfill the highest quality standards and are installed around the world
The PCM RAILONE Group is comprised of several companies and eleven production facilities with a presence in Germany, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Spain, South Korea, Hungary, Turkey, the United States, Canada and lndia. lt maintains annual capacities of over 5 million track sleepers and 840,000 linear meters of turnout sleepers. RAILONE produces optimized products and custom solutions with over 550 employees around the world.