Occupational Health and Safety Management System
Neumarkt, Germany, 20 March 2007 – For its Occupational Health and Safety Management System, RAIL.ONE GmbH was today awarded the Quality Mark “Systematic Safety” by the German Industrial Mutual Accident Insurance Association for the Stone and Quarry Industry (StBG). One mission of the StBG is to support companies in the area of occupational health and safety management, by providing practical aids for everyday work. The purpose, in turn, is to prevent accidents and work-related illnesses. Optimization of such protection programs results in essential benefits: lost work time and costs fall, and the efficiency and motivation of the staff increase. Member companies can take part in a certification process that individually assesses their health and safety protection programs. Once a company has satisfied all the requirements set, the StBG can award its Quality Mark “Systematic Safety.”
On the basis of 4 audits conducted by StBG at German company plants in Coswig, Kirchmöser, Neumarkt, and Langen, the RAIL.ONE Group has furnished the required evidence that it has satisfied the stipulations of the StBG for systematic health and safety protection. Ulrich Kretschmer, Branch Director for the Southern Region of the StBG (for Bavaria and Baden Württemberg) personally awarded the distinction. RAIL.ONE is therefore authorized to display the Quality Mark “Systematic Safety” in all of its PR and advertising work until the next audit in 3 years.
About the PCM RAILONE Group
The PCM RAILONE Group has been manufacturing concrete sleepers and track systems for urban transit and long-distance rail transportation for over 60 years. The technology leader also offers its expertise in the fields of engineering and plant construction. Its customer-driven innovations fulfill the highest quality standards and are installed around the world
The PCM RAILONE Group is comprised of several companies and eleven production facilities with a presence in Germany, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Spain, South Korea, Hungary, Turkey, the United States, Canada and lndia. lt maintains annual capacities of over 5 million track sleepers and 840,000 linear meters of turnout sleepers. RAILONE produces optimized products and custom solutions with over 550 employees around the world.