Charity contribution instead of Christmas presents:
Neumarkt , Germany , 11 December 2006 – Richard Ziegler, CEO of RAIL.ONE GmbH today presented a cheque for EUR 5,000 to Günter Prantl, Chairman of the Board of the association “Looking for a Guardian Angel.” This charitable organization has been the sponsor since May 2002 of the Centar Duga Children’s Home in Kulen Vakuf, in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and finances a family project. This home for abandoned children was opened in October of 1999 and is able to care for 20 to 25 children. The association “Looking for a Guardian Angel” applies none of its funds for administration or for staff expenses, and all members work on a voluntary basis. This arrangement assures that contributed funds go fully and directly to where they are most urgently needed, and where they can do the most good.
This annual Christmas cheque has long since become an established tradition at RAIL.ONE. The company from Neumarkt now contributes money to charitable causes instead of sending Christmas presents to its customers. “Social responsibility is not just a motto for us. We would like to set a good example for providing the required help for children in crisis areas,” said Richard Ziegler when he presented the contribution.
An additional EUR 8,000 will go to a kindergarten in Buzau, Romania, for the renovation of a building. With support from RAIL.ONE, 25 urgently needed new windows can be installed – just in time before winter sets in. The contribution to Kindergarten “No. 7” is an expression of the social commitment of RAIL.ONE. The company has been active in Romania since 2001. Since then, its 100% subsidiary S.C. TRAVERTEC S.R.L. has produced main-track and turnout sleepers for various applications.
From left to right: Richard Ziegler, CEO of RAIL.ONE GmbH today presented a cheque for EUR 5,000 to Günter Prantl, Chairman of the Board of the association “Looking for a Guardian Angel
About the PCM RAILONE Group
The PCM RAILONE Group has been manufacturing concrete sleepers and track systems for urban transit and long-distance rail transportation for over 60 years. The technology leader also offers its expertise in the fields of engineering and plant construction. Its customer-driven innovations fulfill the highest quality standards and are installed around the world
The PCM RAILONE Group is comprised of several companies and eleven production facilities with a presence in Germany, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Spain, South Korea, Hungary, Turkey, the United States, Canada and lndia. lt maintains annual capacities of over 5 million track sleepers and 840,000 linear meters of turnout sleepers. RAILONE produces optimized products and custom solutions with over 550 employees around the world.